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Kzinti telepath




 2269年ドクタースターヴォス・ケニクリウス5はクジンと地球との進行中の生存競争を人類を改善する優生学実験の必要性の理由として挙げた。(TAS: 惑星ファイロスの巨人



 宇宙暦4187.3、クジン私掠船のグループは空の停滞ボックスを用いて長距離シャトル"コペルニクス"をこと座ベータ星系に誘い出した。彼らは地表が不毛な氷の惑星でコペルニクスのクルーを捕らえ、私掠船Traitor's Clawの中のポリス・ウェブに拘束した。

 盗んだ停滞ボックスの点検と同時にクジンは発見したスレイヴァー・ウェポンの機能を直ぐに試し始めた。彼らが最後の機能に到達する頃には、装置の一種の高性能なコンピューターはクジンを敵と解釈して自爆し、3名を殺害して彼らの宇宙船に大きく損害を与えた。(TAS: 過去から来た新兵器



 何人かのクジン男性テレパシー能力を持っている。しかしながら心理学的に彼らは時々不幸であり神経症であった。クジン・テレパスが誰かの感情を読むのを防ぐ確かな方法がなかったが、野菜を食べる精神的なイメージが彼らを説得して感情を読む試みを思い留まらせる事が判明した。(TAS: 過去から来た新兵器



 クジンは戦いに負けても生きるのを許されるとその行動は最大の屈辱だと考えられていた。その場合攻撃されたクジンは医療援助や増援を求めるのを許される前に、攻撃者に決闘を挑み復讐を求めなければならなかった。(TAS: 過去から来た新兵器


  • Chuft Captain
  • クジン・テレパス



 スタートレックに登場する他の敵役異星人とは異なり、クジンティはテレビ番組の制作とは独立に創られた種族である。TASに登場するよりもっと前の1966年に、SF作家のラリー・ニーヴンによる短編小説『The Warriors』の『ノウンスペース』の世界の中でクジンティは導入された。

 最後の戦争が終わった年は「TAS: 過去から来た新兵器」でのヒカル・スールーの引用に基づいている。スールーは2269年から「200年前」に戦争が終わったと言ったが、概算しただけである可能性もある。また原作であるニーヴンのノウンスペースの世界では戦争は亜光速の船で行われ、クジンティが敗れたのはただ地球が超光速航法を獲得したからだったかも知れない。

Jean-Luc Picard, 2364 この記事は書きかけだ。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみて欲しい。記事を書く際は、画面上部の「編集」をクリックするように。

Although Kzinti naming conventions were not explicitly discussed in The Slaver Weapon, the naming conventions of the characters in the episode correspond to creator Larry Niven's descriptions of this in various stories. According to Niven, the Kzinti are not named at birth; they must earn their names through valorous deeds, typically ones that advance the interests of the Patriarchy. Unnamed Kzinti have lower status, and are referred to by the name of their profession, as was Telepath. Single-named Kzinti have distinguished themselves in some manner. They often follow their awarded name with the name of their profession, as did Chuft Captain. Kzinti can accumulate multiple names if they continue to perform valorously.

The Kzinti made no further appearance in Star Trek after "The Slaver Weapon", and a brief mention in The Infinite Vulcan. The council of Elysia in TAS: The Time Traphad seemingly included a prototype, perhaps ancestral, Kzinti creature with the familiar bat-wing ears. A female felinoid seen in スタートレック5:新たなる未知へ was referred to in backstage information as a "Kzinretti". Further, a star map seen in several TNG episodes has a planet on it named "Kzin".

It has often been said that an unseen species mentioned in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode The Adversary – the "Tzenkethi", a near-anagram of "The Kzinti" – were supposed as a replacement. Robert Hewitt Wolfe said recently that he combined the name "Kzinti" with "Tsankth", a race from the RuneQuest and HeroQuest RPGs, in naming the Tzenkethi. Wolfe also notes that he did not picture the Tzenkethi as looking like the Kzinti, but as "heavily armored lizards".

The Kzinti also made brief appearances in the 1982年3月1日 to 1982年7月17日 Star Trek newspaper comic strip The Wristwatch Plantation by Sharman DiVono and Larry Niven with art by Ron Harris. The story involved Kzinti starting an invasion in the 2270s. The authors considered publishing the story as a novel or comic book, [1] but this did not happen.

Jimmy Diggs and Kzinti Warrior

Writer Jimmy Diggs with a Kzinti redesign

In 2003年 Jimmy Diggs tried to pitch a CGI animation adventure in feature length entitled Star Trek: The Lions of the Night in which the crew of the USSEnterprise-B under command of Captain Sulu was facing an invasion fleet. The project however didn't go very far, even though it had the support of Larry Niven and the Roddenberry estate.

Kzinti vessel c2150s

Possible design of a 22nd century Kzinti starship

It has been recently disclosed that if Star Trek: Enterprise had been renewed for a fifth season, Manny Coto wanted to do a Kzinti episode. Much of the concept for the episode "Kilkenny Cats" (which was based on a story by Neal and Jana Hallford) was to draw from the earlier concept Star Trek: Lions of the Night by Jimmy Diggs. D.C. Fontana and André Bormanis were also involved in the editing of the script.

To get the producers convinced a "rough rendering" of a Kzinti starship based on the movies era Dark Stalker was produced for possible use. The artist Josh Finney said that he was "...commissioned by writer Jimmy Diggs to design an Enterprise-era Kzinti cruiser as part of an overall pitch to Paramount." He further said "As for my ship design, truth be told, Paramount's people would've probably re-designed it a billion times before it hit the screen. But, still, I would've at least provided the starting point for the concept."

It is notable that the concept design of the Kzinti vessel draws considerably from the Kzinti fleet as presented in the Star Fleet Universe, which have a similar layout to the design shown, including the same triple warp nacelle layout and pod-mounted drone (missile) launchers. Jimmy Diggs did that on purpose, hence the three nacelles, but with more emphasis on creating a believable warship. The 2150s version combines aircraft and submarines of World War II (see here).


Kzinti in novels[]

Star Trek Log 5 by Alan Dean Foster begins with a flashback scene of M'Ress' career in Starfleet. Among one of the events is her time as a junior communications officer aboard the USSHood: The starship was attacked by a Kzin cruiser, killing all of the bridge crew including the chief engineer, and crippling several systems including engines and communications. M'Ress, who speaks little Kzinti, volunteers to beam over to the cruiser which was disabled in the counterattack. The Kzinti are sending a distress call to their homebase which needs to be cut off and M'Ress' further plan is to recode it to send a distress call of their own to a Federation starbase. Her actions resulted in a promotion to lieutenant after just two years of service and the transfer to the Enterprise. The battle was mentioned in M'ress' biography by Lincoln Enterprises where it is stated: "She entered Starfleet just three years ago", placing the event in 2266.

The novelization of The Terratin Incident (in Star Trek Log 4), also mentions Kzinti, when Kirk ponders about the Edoans' ongoing neutrality despite the warlike Klingons, Romulans, and Kzinti nearby.

In The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson, Kzinti are mentioned in the Caitian entry: It is speculated that Caitians are the descendants of an old Kzinti colony. Caitians are described as peaceful in nature contrary to their assumed cousins. These data points reflect the information first published in M'Ress' biography by Lincoln Enterprises.

The Pocket TOS novel Ishmael by Barbara Hambly contains a throw-away line to the Kzinti: The Starbase's commanding officer, Maria Kellogg, served as chief engineer of the USSRepublic before in her career. She was one of six Human crewmembers, the rest were Orions, Kzinti and Trisk. (Revealed in Chapter 7; story might be set during end of the five-year mission.) Later Kellogg and Kirk pass two Kzinti in the corridors of the station. Kellogg greets them in their native tongue. (Revealed in Chapter 13.)

Kzintis in the Star Fleet Universe[]


The Star Fleet Universe Kzintis have cat ears, no tails - and an s at the end of their plural species name

The Kzinti race in the Star Fleet Universe – who have traits setting them apart from other continuities (cat ears, sentient females, Kzinti/Kzintis as singular/plural, etc.) from the Kzin of Niven's works – has fought wars with all of their neighbors, the Federation, the Klingon Empire and their perennial nemesis, the Lyran Star Empire. They are long-standing allies – or more accurately, co-belligerents – of the Hydran Kingdoms.

The Kzinti Hegemony eventually formed a tentative accord with the Federation, and allied with them in the General War, but they have been involved in major wars with the Klingons and Lyrans, such as the Four Powers War and the General War itself, in which a substantial region of their territory was occupied by their Coalition enemies and two full-scale assaults were made on the Kzinti homeworld of Kzintai.

Eventually with Federation assistance they forced the Coalition forces from their territory, but after the war ended they were involved in a civil war as a disgruntled faction – which had been opposed to the Hegemony's ruling patriarch and sought refuge and developed a power base in the WYN Cluster, and launched an attempted coup of the Hegemony itself in the WYN War of Return.

Also, in the fictional variant of the Star Fleet Universe as represented in the games Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War and Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates from Taldren, the Kzinti were renamed and re-interpreted as the more canine Mirak.

